Health & vitality first!


Balance in nutrition, exercise, relaxation, sleep, emotions & mindset

My name is Renate van Oort-Schreuder. I am an HBO certified (holistic) lifestyle & vitality coach, orthomolecular therapist, Reiki master, stress coach & in possession of HBO basic medical knowledge.

In my practice, I guide you towards a vital & healthy lifestyle, so that you feel top fit (again) and can handle life with a smile.

In recent years, I have specialised particularly in stress-related/burnout complaints and women's issues such as: pregnancy, fertility, hormonal imbalance & migraines, PCOS, PMS, cycle and menopause.

addressing chronic complaints

Health & vitality are a long way off. You have all kinds of vague complaints or have they already become serious chronic complaints that just won't improve? Would you like to feel better? You can, you can do something about it!

leefstijl coaching Leiden
Telefoon (8)

You can join People Support by Renate when you:

  • Are overweight & desire to lose weight;
  • Want more balance, energy & fun in your life;
  • You want to restore your hormonal imbalance
  • Have sleep problems;
  • Want to get more peace & relaxation in your life;
  • Want to learn to manage stress & negative thoughts;
  • You want to boost your self-confidence & self-image;
  • You want to measure your health using an EMB blood test or another saliva test & take targeted action;
  • You experience complaints such as migraines, insomnia, eczema, (extreme) fatigue, skin complaints, intestinal complaints, hormonal complaints (including PCOS, PMS, cycle problems, irritability, pregnancy complaints;
  • You want to improve your general health for a pregnancy.

Book your appointment online or contact me during my free telephone consultation hour on Wednesday mornings from 11.30 - 12.30 to discuss whether I can help you. Call 06-18881260


Energetic through life? Tailor-made vitality advice (including supplementation advice). An integral approach with attention to nutrition, relaxation, sleep, stress, hormones, exercise, emotions, thoughts & relationships, among others.

Hormones play an important role when it comes to health & vitality in women. You have a lot of influence yourself to restore balance to your hormones. Especially through the right choice in nutrition and the right supplementation with supplements.

Too many balls in the air, at home or at work? Doubts about your career, feeling like you can't handle it all anymore? Conflict with your manager, concentration problems? Sparring about career and private life.

Outwardly validating how you feel on the inside? Feel more confident during business presentations? It can be done with the right colour! After a colour analysis, you will always look great in your power colours.